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Everything DiSC®
Everything DiSC Workplace is far more than another assessment about you. At its core is your personalized Everything DiSC Workplace profile, an in-depth exploration of the personality and behavior drivers of everyone in your workplace based on the DiSC model.
The original DiSC® Classic can be a valuable tool for creating the common language everyone needs to understand and discuss their differences—and the value those differences can bring to organizations big and small.
Administer your own genuine Everything DiSC® reports directly from the publisher's assessment platform! We make it easy to get started with an EPIC (Electronic Profile Information Center) Sub Account. Just order the number of EPIC credits you need and the EPIC Sub-Account set-up is FREE!
The Everything DiSC Management Profile will help you better understand your management style and how to more effectively direct and delegate, motivate and develop others. You will also gain insight on how to work more effectively with your superiors through greater awareness and understanding of your DiSC management style.
The Everything DiSC Work of Leaders Profile is designed as a self-coaching tool for seasoned leaders to further develop and enhance their leadership skills. You will gain insight into your Leadership Map including an overview, your leadership priorities and leadership strengths.
Compared to stand-alone profiles, Catalyst is a better DiSC experience for the learner and a more flexible platform for the facilitator. The Catalyst experience contributes to a positive workplace culture that drives organizations forward.
The Everything DiSC Sales Profile will help you better understand your own selling style, improve your ability to recognize the different types of customer buying styles and adapt your selling style to the customer's buying style to increase your sales effectiveness and performance.
The Everything DiSC Agile EQ is focused on the 8 Agile EQ mindsets and the importance of Emotional Intelligence Agility. Discover your natural mindsets and stretch them beyond your comfort zone. Report will help you recognize and respond more effectively to organizational situations.
Our webinar workshops are highly interactive and are designed for teams with up to 25 participants. We offer workshops for teambuilding, leadership, management and sales development. All workshops are with a Certified DiSC Instructor and Facilitator.
We offer the View Instantly version and Person Cannot View Results version of our reports. Our tiered volume discounts are automatically applied at checkout and your satisfaction is always 100% guaranteed.
We offer workshops for teambuilding, leadership, management and sales development via webinar. We have successfully assisted many clients with team workshops using the DiSC instrument.
We have an extremely streamlined approach for ordering. You can place your order online and the DiSC assessment links will be issued on your receipt. Just copy and paste each link and email one to each person. That’s it!
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