DiSC® Classic vs DiSC® Workplace
We offer the DiSC Classic 2.0 Profile and the Everything DiSC Workplace Profile. Both reports are from Wiley and will give you a person's DiSC style and recommendations but the assessment and the report are different. Here are the highlights of each report:
Everything DiSC Workplace Profile:
• Everything DiSC is the newest generation of the report
• Very user-friendly, excellent content, recommendations, and strategies
• Based on 79 items with Adaptive Testing for improved accuracy and reliability
• Takes about 15-20 minutes to complete the assessment
• Shows DiSC style as a dot on a wheel or circumplex
DiSC Classic 2.0 Profile
• DiSC Classic is the previous generation of the report
• Based on a 28 item assessment without Adaptive Testing
• Takes about 10-15 minutes to complete the assessment
• Shows DiSC style in a graphical numerical format with 15 Classical Patterns